Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. The desires we act on determine our changing, our achieving and our becoming.
-Dallin H. Oaks

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My First Blog!

Hey Y'all! So I finally did it! I've started a blog. I've been wanting to do it for a while now but I finally made the decision tonight. I've taken on a project and i want to record my process and I felt a blog would be the perfect place. That and I've stopped journaling since my mission. As for my project, here it goes...

My story of my Spiritual Journey is on my profile but something I failed to put in there was the fact that I have never completed (or started for that matter) my Young Women's Personal Progress Book. This is kinda like the girls equivalent to an eagle scout in my church. On my mission, I had my initial shock of... 'o my gosh i dont know primary songs'... so I learned them. 'o my gosh i dont know scripture stories'... so i read them. Along with many other things I also realized o my gosh I never did my Personal Progress... so I'm gonna do it. Its never to late =)
So as I started in on this all, I thought.... perfect timing for a blog. So here it goes.... the next few post's I'll try and catch you up from when i came home from my full time mission I served in Georgia.


  1. Chrissy that's AWESOME!!! You go girl!

  2. Yahoo! So excited to keep up with you & your fun life! Good luck on your Personal'll love it!
